Dark MatterinDark Matter LaboratoriesDiving Deep into the Deep Code (Pt2): Unraveling the Knotted Problem Space of DataChatGPT is everywhere. The AI chatbot exploded into the mainstream almost overnight, reaching 100 million monthly users just two months…Jul 26Jul 26
Dark MatterinDark Matter LaboratoriesNon-extractive financing for a house: a green tinted fantasy or a realistic proposition?This blog has been written as an explainer to support the wider Life-Ennobling Economics conversation. It is focused on the LEE aspiration…Jun 52Jun 52
Dark MatterinDark Matter LaboratoriesDiving Deep into the Deep Code (Pt1): Unraveling the Knotted Problem Space of HousingTwo months ago, we launched a new part of the Dark Matter Labs ecosystem: Property & Beyond Lab. Since then, we have expanded our portfolio…Jun 4Jun 4
Dark MatterinUrban land ownership mappingAthens Land Ownership MappingThis is the 5th blog in the series. The collaboration between Dark Matter Labs and the Institute of Human Rights and Business (IHRB)…May 29May 29
Dark Matterin9outof10 — Protein Shift Innovation PlatformUniversal Basic Nutrient Income — Institutional Infrastructure for 2040 Food Preparedness?This blog post marks the starting point of our work on the Universal Basic Nutrient Income (UBNI) policy instrument in Sweden. This…May 6May 6
Dark Matterin9outof10 — Protein Shift Innovation PlatformHello World — 9outof10 Innovation Platform & Seminar I🚀How can mission-oriented innovation be used for food system transformation? 👐 Can participatory foresight help to bridge sectoral…May 6May 6
Dark MatterUK Neighbourhoods at +3ºCThis work is undertaken in partnership between Dark Matter Labs & CIVIC SQUARE as new research into understanding the risks UK…Apr 252Apr 252
Dark MatterinUrban land ownership mappingLisbon Land Ownership MappingUnpacking Regulatory Mechanisms Behind Lisbon’s Spatial (In)justiceApr 16Apr 16
Dark MatterinDark Matter LaboratoriesTreesAI is implementing location-based scoring in StuttgartLearn how the TreesAI Location-based Scoring is applied in Stuttgart to support the prioritisation of different urban nature-based…Apr 101Apr 101
Dark MatterinDark Matter LaboratoriesIntroducing Life-Ennobling Economics (Part 2)In this 2-part series we are excited to introduce a new area of our work. We have divided this first introductory publication into two…Mar 151Mar 151